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Apr. 12, 2004 - 6:03 p.m.

Is it a bad thing to love the rain?

Though I hate umbrellas. I love rain. I love the sound of it tripping on roofs, roads, windows, hats, umbrellas, heads. I love the sound of it dripping on cars and into puddles. I don�t like waking up to grey skies and not have it rain. Though I think I love fog more than rain, but you don�t get too many misty/foggy days around here. I can�t even remember one.

In college I used to run around barefoot and hatless in the rain. I couldn�t do it at home, my mom would�ve had a fit. Can�t do it here, I tend to get sick easier now.

I also miss thunderstorms. Seeing the lightening cascade through the sky. Getting chills when you first hear the thunder rolling over the sky. Racing the storm home on my bike. (and getting yelled at for doing so).

On my way to work I splashed puddles. Though I stayed away from the big ones, so my shoes wouldn�t stay wet all day. But I did use my umbrella. But I didn�t go out at lunch time. It�s a pain to have to return to work a little damp. Especially when the lunchroom is so cold.

Why do we have to grow up?

When did I get so serious?

I think I need more red sauce.

(by the way, tried to make my own American Brown Sauce � see my last entry - but it just wasn�t the same. And you have to put in a heck of a lot chocolate sauce in.)

I saw the Passion finally, on Friday � Good Friday � and I�m happy to say that I don�t think I would change it. I liked it that much! Though I probably would�ve added some more time with the ol� disciples, but I understand why he didn�t. I went in expected much blood and gore and was surprised at how much there wasn�t. Don�t get me wrong, there was a lot, but not nearly as much as the critics led me to believe. (or had me hoping for � he he he). I totally wasted Palm Sunday and Good Friday masses writing my own movie. Oh, and I loved the actors playing all the parts. Mary was awesome. Though it is weird to be moved so much by a film. At least for me. Especially in this day and age.

Anyways, I recommend the film. If you don�t like blood and guts, close your eyes and don�t open them until you don�t hear the counting any more. But it is something you should see. Too many times we forget the suffering that was done for us. It brings you to appreciate life more. The color of the sky. The smell of the flowers blooming. The sound of the rain. Your relationships with others. (and don�t forget the desire to see Hellboy!)

Damn. I�m getting preachy and deep all in one entry � sorry.

Maybe I�ll be more like myself tomorrow. Or not.

Either way �

Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur.

(Diem perdidi = I have lost a day.)

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