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Apr. 16, 2004 - 5:11 p.m.

I live a weird life.

Alicia and I are playing tag. Through email.

We just finished playing duck duck goose.

The sun is out. I�m eating twizzlers. I just finished drinking some strawberry soda. Am now drinking Naked Juice � the Green Machine one. I like that its green. I like that it sickens everyone else. Am almost to weird point where I drink the juice through twizzler. Hopefully that point will not come.

There is a great rejoicing through out the land.

Cathy�s here and I�m meeting them all for dinner or something and hanging out with them all weekend.

Crazy bonding time! We used to bond over schnapps and x-files, then coffee cocktails and s�mores, I wonder what we�ll do this time�

Ooo hitting the sugar low now�must keep eyes open, just 30 more minutes�

Can it be considered stalking if you just read someone�s blog everyday? I sure hope not. Cause if so � than Neil Gaiman should be filing charges. I need to find a new life�.

(yesterday's translation - There is no great ability with out a mixture of madness)

Nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit.

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