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Jan. 03, 2008 - 6:53 p.m.

I hope new year's eve does not set the pace for rest of the year. If so, this year is going to be boring and filled with snow.

Go to the movies more.
Go to new restaurants.
Do more craft shows.
Visit brother and sister more.
Call people more often.
keep room clean.
keep office clean.
Get a social life so I don't stay at work late.
Don't stay at work late.
Get organized.
Loose weight.
Dress better.
Poo more.
Be nicer to the Walmarts and Privledged.
Kick more ass.
Take design classes.
Knit a sweater.
Sew a dress.

and a few perpetual ones...
possibly find a guy to watch movies with and possibly snog.
learn the guitar.
sell my crafts.
doodle better.
get wisdom teeth pulled so I can blame my stoopidity on them...

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