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Feb. 22, 2005 - 4:42 p.m.

Goodness! What a productive Sunday it was! I think I made like four necklaces! I'm glad the lovely and super beth b came over to watch the Project Runway marathon it was fun being crafty with someone else.

Its also nice to make something and have the instant reaction from someone else when you hold it up half inspecting it and half hoping the others will see it and say ahh that looks pretty.

That also reminds me that I need to get some more plastic baggies. The small ones. The really small ones. From Bedazzled. Though I don't trust myself in going there.

I'm happy to report that Bridget has lost none of her spirit or energy, though she made me flinch everytime she almost banged her arm while dancing or jumping about. She and Colin loved the book, and I found out that Neil is one of her father's favorite authors. I thought it would be funny to have john read it out loud to them at night. I fear that I have given Colin some ideas. I saw the twinkle in his eyes grow uncomfortably bright. He's reading comic books now, and of course, building crazy ass things out of Legos. I think I should give him my star wars legos.

alas, my star wars legos, I knew thee well. Though I haven't played with you for years, you shall go to Colin and you shall be happily dismantled and put together again in new and fascinating forms.

Yesterday was spent getting my craft on though I had planned going to a museum, when I woke up all I really wanted to do was hide off in a corner somewhere and read with a cup of hot chocolate. So I did for awhile. Then I got the urge to watch Life of Brian again, so I did. And of course I started making jewelry as soon as that was over. So I ended up making two necklaces and some curry.

I'm really loving the curry lately...

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