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May. 05, 2004 - 5:25 p.m.

Cinco De Mayo. Mexician Independence Day? Nope, just a single battle in which Mexican troops ousted the French from Mexico. When did we start celebrating this and why?

Just another day to drink.

Anyways. What have I been doing for the last couple of days? Got bookcases. Went to ST. Peter�s fair. Helped Beth paint the Metro map on the stand for her panda. Admired her panda and many of the others already done. Drooled over cute French guy with Beth. Then went to Target and bought a lot of beads. (they WERE on clearance) Then started cleaning out my room to put said bookcases in. Realized how much shit I really do have, and I haven�t even gotten to the closet yet.

I have to stop writing this journal at the end of the day when I�m tired and cranky. I can never remember anything I wanted to say earlier. Should wait until after my walk home.

Am dreaming about Trading Spaces or Clean Sweep to come and redo apartment. Ah., sweet colors!

Mean Girls was OK. Good Friday night movie. Though I�m more in a mood to see The Punisher right now.

OH! Just remembered something. On Sunday we went to Eastern Market and saw many beautiful jewelry stands and had some wonderful bbq ribs�.soooo tasty�.and they didn�t upset my stomach so much.

Now I�m dreaming about those ribs

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