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Jun. 26, 2004 - 8:06 p.m.

So, my first Saturday off in two months and what do I do?

Demoan the fact that I don't have to work.

So I decided to make plans for tomorrow night. Why don't I make plans for tonight you ask? Well, cause the night's here and boom nothing much to do except go to a bar, the movies or watch TV. I went to the bar and the movies last night, and at the risk of repeating myself too much, I'm planning on going to see Michael Moore's movie tomorrow night. And the I'll Sleep When I'm Dead on the 2nd (Clive Owen and the best title ever!).

Alcia has a second date tonight and I hope things work out, such as no rain and no sunburn. He seems like a nice guy from what she says, so I hope so. I talked to him briefly on the phone the other night, but I didn't want to get all "Your dating my best friend, you have to pass my tests" on him. Not yet at least...


I think I'm going to go to Xando's and drink coffee cocktails and read David Sedaris. I have to get used to doing things by myself. I never really have. But someday I will enjoy it.

Hope always gets the better of me in the end.

If I write it it will be true:

To do tomorrow:

Go to Church.

Go to Brunch.

Get a Pedicure.

See Farenheit 9/11

"I've stared down the moon unwilling to let my significance diminish."

-Robert Frost

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